The sociocultural factors of Takfiri’s truculence

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشجوی دکتری اندیشه معاصر مسلمین مجتمع زبان و فرهنگ شناسی


The main purpose of this writing is to illustrate sociocultural factors of Takfiri’s truculence. It seems that three factors have crucial role for inclining excommunicators to perpetrate violence; political and ideological conflicts, deprivation and semi education. The political and ideological tension pave the way of deprivation of many townsfolks to attain their desires. It brings about many annoyances for deprived men and women to revenge of those who prevent them from their admirable goals. They Interpret Islamic teachings in a way to achieve their wishes. Science, Takfiri leaders do not have sufficient knowledge in religious science, they blend sociocultural values and beliefs as true Islam and tirelessly try to implement them in societies.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The sociocultural factors of Takfiri’s truculence

نویسنده [English]

  • Amanullah Alizadeh
PhD ُStudent in Contemporary Muslim Thought, in Language and Culture Institute
چکیده [English]

The main purpose of this writing is to illustrate sociocultural factors of Takfiri’s truculence. It seems that three factors have crucial role for inclining excommunicators to perpetrate violence; political and ideological conflicts, deprivation and semi education. The political and ideological tension pave the way of deprivation of many townsfolks to attain their desires. It brings about many annoyances for deprived men and women to revenge of those who prevent them from their admirable goals. They Interpret Islamic teachings in a way to achieve their wishes. Science, Takfiri leaders do not have sufficient knowledge in religious science, they blend sociocultural values and beliefs as true Islam and tirelessly try to implement them in societies.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Sociocultural factors
  • Takfiri
  • Truculence
  • political conflict
  • deprivation
  • and semi education
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