Faith-Based Peacebuilding through Intercultural Dialogue

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


The faculty member and director of the English Language and Culture department at al-Mustafa International University


Addressing the root-causes of conflict amongst people, peace practitioners attempted to present their peacebuilding models to build peace in a context of fighting individuals, groups and societies. Islamic faith-based peacebuilding derived from the main sources of Islamic thought - the Quran and Sunnah- is the model by which Muslim peacebuilders tried to solve the problems of the Muslim world.
The outstanding icon of Islamic peacebuilding is Prophet Muhammad (S) as he is introduced to be a perfect role model for all humanity in any time. Therefore, we have a glance at the Prophet’s (S) tradition in order to illuminate how he behaved in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment of Medina to build an integrated community. Dialogue was a tactic used by Prophet (S) in dealing with people by reciting the glorious Quran and issuing the Charter of Medina to unify the diverse society of Medina under a new culture of Muslim brotherhood and  Ummah


عنوان مقاله [English]

Faith-Based Peacebuilding through Intercultural Dialogue

نویسنده [English]

  • Mohsen Ghanbari
The faculty member and director of the English Language and Culture department at al-Mustafa International University
چکیده [English]

Addressing the root-causes of conflict amongst people, peace practitioners attempted to present their peacebuilding models to build peace in a context of fighting individuals, groups and societies. Islamic faith-based peacebuilding derived from the main sources of Islamic thought - the Quran and Sunnah- is the model by which Muslim peacebuilders tried to solve the problems of the Muslim world.
The outstanding icon of Islamic peacebuilding is Prophet Muhammad (S) as he is introduced to be a perfect role model for all humanity in any time. Therefore, we have a glance at the Prophet’s (S) tradition in order to illuminate how he behaved in a multi-cultural and multi-religious environment of Medina to build an integrated community. Dialogue was a tactic used by Prophet (S) in dealing with people by reciting the glorious Quran and issuing the Charter of Medina to unify the diverse society of Medina under a new culture of Muslim brotherhood and  Ummah

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • İslam
  • The Quran
  • Faith-Based Peacebuilding
  • culture
  • Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue
  • Prophet Muhammad (S)
  • Medina Charter
  • Muslim Brotherhood
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